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Monday, July 23, 2012

Texture Making Tutorial

This tutorial is written using GiMP on a Macintosh computer. Things might be different with other programs, but idk, lol.

Open up a new canvas, however large you want your texture to be. I'm doing a timeline texture for FB's timeline cover photo so I've set mine to 850x315
Next, use the bucket tool to fill your canvas with some shade of grey
create a new transparent layer
Next, using a lighter shade of grey, pick a brush and apply it to the new transparent layer

create a new transparent layer above this one and repeat using varying shades of grey

keep repeating the process of creating new transparent layers and applying brushes in varying shades of grey and white til you get something you like. You may also want to mess with the opacity of some layers to get your desired effect.

now merge all your layers down to 1

save your new image as a .png, or .jpg

and tada! Texture created!!!
(feel free to snag this texture free, but please remember to leave some love if you do!)

Hope this helps!


  1. im gonna snag it. and thank you so much for doing this tutorial. very simple thank you sooo much rhonda s,

  2. Thank you for the texture. I'm so glad you did a tutorial.

  3. Thank you for this. Now I must try it! lol. I am going to snag your sample texture btw :)
